Thursday, November 15, 2007

(in third person) yuan had an amazing day in school today :) in fact, she smiles herself away, thinking this has been one of the best days of her life.

today, she received a good grade for an assignment which she worked really hard on, handed in her group project report and had a really enjoyable lunch with her group mates: amanda, kairu and eunice, played captain's ball with fellow social work friends, and went for dinner with mr fu-ssy's family to celebrate dear pearlyn's 21st :)

the only bad thing today was that she couldn't join her friends and lecturers for the social work tea party cos she was running late for dinner.

(in first person) so yup yup, today was a really great day to end off this first semester of honours year :) God has really been good to me this sem, as He has always been :) thank you dear Daddy!

one more assignment to kill and it's time for the exams =(

(in second person) go go go yuannie! you can do it!


Drey said...

OMG guannie...
are u teaching english?

Anonymous said...

Yuan got split personality?